About Us

Photographic artists Ian Sergeant and Ben Jackson create these atmospheric images of vehicles, machines, buildings, interiors and rural locations to cast the viewer back to another age, another time. All Oldshed scenes are photographed on location in sheds, warehouses, farm outbuildings, country fields, & paddocks, the images are like a visual time capsule with the scene being a jumbled puzzle of objects to discover and ponder over.

Ian 'Sarge' Sergeant & Ben Jackson's  atmospheric images of classic & rare automobiles,  collectibles & rural scenes  transport the viewer back to the old days. Shot where they are found in old sheds, these images record a space that looks as if it has been locked away and forgotten by time. The beams of light flooding in could be the first light to enter for a long time.  Revealed is a cache of discarded treasures to linger over. These photographs grew out of the idea of the shed as a man's realm.  Far from being dusted, tidied or picked over, it shelters and accumulation of tools, toys, vehicles, equipment, footwear and even remnants of food. It is an open page on the past. Each shed is evidence of a life lived. Like an archaeological dig, it promises more artefacts as you look deeper.

Sarge and Ben at Oldshed published these atmospheric images growing from the idea that all sorts of treasures are stored away, the locations far from being dusted, tidied or picked over, are places of accumulations and collections of all kinds of interesting objects gathered over time.